MTX Series Matrix Processor
Maßgeschneiderte Software zur Umsetzung umfassender Beschallungskonzepte
MTX-MRX Editor: Maßgeschneiderte Software zur Umsetzung umfassender Beschallungskonzepte

Zentrale Verwaltung mehrerer Sound-Systeme von einem einzigen PC aus
Beim MTX-MRX Editor handelt es sich um eine Software, die speziell für die Einrichtung und Steuerung von Sound-Systemen unter Verwendung von Sound-Prozessoren aus der MTX- und MRX-Baureihe geschaffen wurde. Das Programm übernimmt den Mix der Audiosignale von Mikrofonen, CDs, MP3s und WAV-Dateien, kann die Inhalte in verschiedenen Beschallungszonen ausgeben, bietet eine Timer-Funktion zur Wiedergabe von Musik und Ansagen und noch viele weitere Möglichkeiten. Mit dem MTX-MRX Editor erhalten Sie eine leistungsstarke Software, die es Ihnen auf einfache Art und Weise ermöglicht, Klänge von einem einzigen Computer aus zu steuern und zu verteilen, wenn diese für die Wiedergabe in voneinander unabhängigen Beschallungszonen in einem Geschäft oder einer anderen Einrichtung vorgesehen ist.
Zentrale Verwaltung mehrerer Sound-Systeme von einem einzigen PC aus

Darüber hinaus ist es in Version 3.2 beispielsweise möglich, für Anwendungsgebiete wie Freizeitparks und Einkaufszentren mit einem einzigen PC mehrere Bereiche getrennt zu steuern.
Various parameters can be controlled from MTX-MRX Editor

The MTX-MRX Editor software facilitates sound system design with a workflow that simulates standard installation procedure. An easy-to-use wizard lets you start by arranging the devices to be used in the desired layout, then processing components can be added wherever needed. MTX series matrix processors, EXi8 input expanders, EXo8 output expanders, XMV series power amplifiers, and DCP digital control panels can be added according to the needs and scale of the application. The MTX-MRX Editor provides comprehensive, intuitive tools for designing sound systems from input to output.
Input Ch
By selecting GAIN/HPF/EQ you can adjust 3-Band PEQ settings for each input channel, as well as each channels' High Pass Filter. GATE/COMP sets Gate and Compressor parameters and FBS/AGC features feedback suppressors that eliminate acoustic feedback, as well as the Auto Gain Control function that maintains a constant output level with input signals that vary in level.
Reverb effects add simulated reverberation to the source sound.
MTX has 4 types of Reverb effects.Reverb Hall, Reverb Stage, Karaoke Echo, Vocal Echo.

A Feedback Suppressor or FBS, is a function that prevents the unpleasant acoustic feedback that occurs when sound from a speaker is picked up by a mic and reamplified.
MTX features two types of FBS, Fixed and Dynamic. Fixed is ideal for installations where the microphones do not move and where the problem frequencies remain the same. If microphones are constantly moving then Dynamic FBS is more suitable as it can constantly update the settings to eliminate feedback.

AGC (Auto Gain Controller) is a function that automatically compensates the gain according to the input level, keeping a constant output level for an incoming signal whose level is changing. This can be very useful when there are people speaking at different levels or there are background music sources at different levels and there is no technician available to make manual adjustments. The AGC will smooth the output levels making the listener's experience more pleasurable.
Dugan Automixer
The Dugan Auto Mixer is an advanced algorythm designed to manage and optimize the input gain of multiple microphones that are being used for unscripted speech. Having a number of microphones switched on at the correct level for speech can introduce feedback in the system if there is no engineer available to make adjustments. The Dugan Automixer automatically and seamlessly provides gain to a microphone when one person is speaker or shares it amongst two or more speakers mics, thus eliminating the likelyhood of feedback.

1) When no one is talking
When no one is talking, the input level on all microphones is lowered, and the gain levels are set uniformly. At this time, rather than muting each microphone, the gain is distributed between three microphones, so that the total gain remains constant.

2) When one person is talking
When one person speaks, the gain of that microphone instantly rises to 0 dB, and the gain of the other two microphones is lowered. The same thing happens when a different person speaks.

3) When multiple people are speaking
When two people speak simultaneously, the gain level is automatically distributed between the two microphones so that the total gain remains constant, and the gain of the remaining microphone is lowered.
Matrix Mixer
In the matrix mixer, the input channels and output buses are arranged in a checkerboard configuration. You can adjust the group balance for each output bus, or use the faders to adjust the signal from all input channels to a specific matrix bus when Sends On Faders mode is enabled.
The signal from the matrix mixer is sent to 8 units of Priority Processor. Here, you can make detailed adjustments to the parameter settings of the Ducker function as well the Ambient Noise Compensator.
A zone is an individual space or room within an audio installation that can be independantly treated and controlled. For example, a zone could be a separate area within a restaurant or a second floor within a retail store.
Priority Ducker

A Priority Ducker is a function used to automatically attenuate a zone's output level by a specified amount when the signal from a separate sound source exceeds its threshold. For example, it could be used to reduce the background music level when important emergency announcements are made so as to maximise intelligability.

An ANC or Ambient Noise Compensator will adjust system gain to compensate for fluctuating background noise levels. A typical example would be at a party when the ambient noise becomes so loud that music or announcements can no longer be heard. The ANC will raise the system volume to compensate.
Once a zone has been created inside MTX, the Router page can then be used to patch that zone to any of the outputs in the system. The router also contains an oscillator that can be used to test the audio system.
After Priority Processor settings have been applied, signals are sent to output channels through the Router. Each output channel is equipped with a 4 Band PEQ, Delay and Speaker Processor. The Speaker Processor has stored presets for a range of Yamaha speakers allowing you to easily select the optimum settings for the speakers in your system. Settings for 4-Band PEQ and Delay can also be adjusted to match the audio output with the acoustic characteristics of various installation environments.
Speaker Processor
The Speaker Processor algorithm contains a range of specialist parameters to tune the speakers in the installation with their environment. These include a crossover for bi-amped speaker systems that offers a choice of specialist filters and polarity adjustment. There is also signal delay, a six band parametric equaliser for fine adjustment and a limiter to protect your speakers.